Hello World!

…or something like that. At any rate, I figure I’m officially cool enough to start a blog on this blessed first day of the 29th year of my life. Welcome to some sort of critter’s thoughts on tabletop and the like – maybe I’ll post some reviews of games I’ve played, or what I’m working on – who knows! Does anybody care? Maybe, maybe not, but I’d like to document it for my own posterity. My spouse says I ought to post about our cat, Nemo, instead, so perhaps he’ll show up later.

For now, I ought to just introduce myself, a little? I am Beef (no, not my real name) and I like running tabletop games. I have been leaning into OSR (“old school renaissance”) games of late, and while I don’t necessarily focus too much on dungeon crawls and lethal combat, I appreciate the down-to-earth and logic-focused ethos that the systems embody. Games I prefer to run tend to be focused on character morality, backstory elements and relationships, usually with my players creating the central narrative thread out of their actions rather than my whims as a writer. I do have a tendency to cut corners a bit too much with that in mind, however. I definitely think I’m more of a “tabletop” hobbyist than a “d&d” hobbyist (in fact, I rarely run D&D 5e) – I playtest a new system every two weeks with my dedicated group of GM colleagues on Wednesdays, play as the incompetent – but well-meaning, noble seafaring pirate Alfonse Belle on Sundays (7th Sea 1e), had spent the last three years playing a drunken washed-up entertainer in Numenera on Monday evenings., and am starting up a curious expedition into space with Stars Without Number on Thursdays this month that I’ll probably be talking about the most.

See you all soon with… several upcoming already-drafted posts!

Physical game shelf as of 3/15/2022!
My physical game shelf as of 3/15/2022! Looking forward to adding to it…